Scholarship Information
Sampson High School Alumni Association, Inc. was founded in 1973 and awarded its first scholarship in 1975. Since then, wee have supported more than 200 students in their post-secondary educational pursuits.
The SHSAA is dedicated to assisting needy students to attain a secondary education and to become examples for those youngsters who follow them in life. The Association awards up to three scholarships annually totaling up to $14,000. This assistance is particularly for underprivileged students from Clinton, NC in Sampson County and descendants of the members of the Association.
SHSAA scholarship awardees excel academically and in service to others. Our Scholars share a passion for higher education and many have overcome tremendous challenges to pursue their dreams. High school seniors throughout the United States who meet the eligibility requirements may apply for one of our achievement and need-based scholarships. The application deadline is Thursday, May 8, 2025.
Scholarship winners are presented at the Annual Reunion in August.
Who is eligible?
High school seniors and relatives of Sampson High School Alumni Association Members with academic pursuits at any of the following levels:
Associate Degree
Four Year/Bachelor Degree
What types of awards are given?
Ordinarily, two $6,000 and one $2,000 four year awards are given out. However, the amount awarded may vary and one-time grants are often appropriated. Funds are equally disbursed throughout the duration of the program (4, 3, or 2 years), with no more that $1,500 disbursements in any given academic year.
Procedure for Application
If eligible (see above), follow the steps listed below:
- Clinton High Students and Clinton Area Students - Contact the Clinton Coordinator through the Local Clinton Chapter of SHSAA
- At-Large Applicants - Contact Local Chapter Representative in your area or Contact the National Scholarship Committee Chairperson.
- Obtain application package and complete it. Make sure it reaches the National Scholarship Chairperson or designated Representative in your area by April 25, 2020.
- Clinton Applicants: Avail yourselves for the interview by the Scholarship Committee at the designated time.
Criteria for Consideration
- Financial Need
- At least a cumulative "C" Average in high school, college, or technical school if already matriculated.
- Must be accepted for admission* to any one of the above institutions of learning before funds are disbursed.
* (Must show proof of enrollment).
Scholarship Committee
The Scholarship Committee is a vital component of the organization and they are dedicated to the success and progress of the Sampson High School Alumni Association, Inc. The Committee is comprised of a representative from each chapter. The representatives are individuals also devoted to helping recent high school graduates attain their educational goals.
For more information about the SHSAA Scholarship, contact the Scholarship Committee Chair:
Mrs. Mary Bennett Sutton
Scholarship Application
The 2020 Scholarship Application and relevant information are below. The application is due by April 25, 2020. Please distribute to students in your area. Please direct any questions to the Scholarship Committee Chair (see above). The Committee members' contact information is listed on the last page of the application.